Custom Automated
Solutions for Manufactures
We are a certified FANUC robotics integrator, and we will do anything from automating a tiny part of your manufacturing process to the entire thing. We provide all the robots, end-effector tooling, safety equipment, and fixture fabrication for your custom automation solution. Robotic integration is what we specialize in.
There are a lot of techniques that we use to program robots and PLC's to be as efficient as possible. We fully program and optimize robotic systems, as well as re-program the robotic work cells that you may already have.

We specialize in any application where a robot will excel

We provide various training options depending on your needs. With each system that we install we ensure that your employees have received adequate training to fully operate and customize the work cell. If desired, we also offer training to fully re-program the robots as well. Training through FANUC, or technical colleges are also available.
We provide fast on-site maintenance and support. We also train your employees to be able to maintain your robots correctly. Typically the end-effectors in a system are what need to be maintained or replaced first in a system; usually after several hundred thousand cycles. The robots typically only need greasing after 3 years of continuous use.
Why Automate?
As a business owner, you know that mistakes are costly, and inefficient processes take away your competitive edge. Every business has some part of its process that is dirty, dangerous, monotonous, or expensive for skilled laborers to perform. That's where Design for Making comes in!​ We can help you automate your process, so contact us today to get started.